Well If you are here on this page, you probably want to know a little about me.

So here it goes.

In my early 20’s, I didn’t know what to do with my life, I was lost at the idea of what should mold me for the rest of my life. So I did what any kid would do that had parents who own a business. I went to work for them. It was a bridal business selling bridal gowns and wedding attire. It was not my ideal job, but it helped pay the bills. I remember friends always would ask me, “Are you going to take over the business when your parents retire?” I would say, “heck, NO!” Time went by, and I got to know the business pretty well. I ended meeting my wife there, and we both were working there together. The funny thing started to happen, and we got more involved and looked like we going to take the family business over. At the time point of sale, computer systems were just being invented and used, but there was not one for the bridal industry. So, I ended up building one from scratch using a program called Filemaker.

Looking back at it now, I found myself being very content with being there. It was safe, and I liked that. I didn’t have to worry about money, and it was comfortable and familiar. I was afraid that I couldn’t do anything else.

Life is an amusing notion, once you think you got it figured out. It throughs a curveball and for my wife that curveball and I were out of the family business. My wife and I found ourselves with no job, no income, and no future. We were devastated. We had two little girls, a mortgage, and tons of bills. Not to mention, after 15 years of running the family business, my whole identity was in that store, and now I had nothing. I had no idea what to do.

After sulking for a bit, I knew I had to do something. One thing I knew for sure is that I was a hard worker. I knew that I picked up coding a little bit while learning how to make the POS program for the bridal shop. I was also good at computers. I thought to myself, let’s learn how to design websites. So that is what I did. I took all the courses that I could find on the subjects. I would scan all the forums and blogs on specific coding and studied them. I then put my self out there and started to get clients. I started putting my services on craigslist of all places.

There were a couple of problems, for starters clients were a pain, always asking for something without paying, the competition was everywhere. I sure as heck did not have my dream client. I needed to start learning how to get better leads. So I began to learn more about digital marketing, Seo, and Facebook Ads.

That is where Thivebuddy came into existence. I wanted a place where we could go through all the characteristics of creating an online business from web design to sales funnels and also administer motivation and the mindset you need to grow.

So I hope you can get a lot of this site and learn something new.

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