Find your social media following

Things you should be doing to gain a following

I was watching a youtube video with Frank Kern and how he got started in the business of digital marketing. It was an exciting interview and made me think of the thing you need to do to be successful. 

The take away that I took from it was 

Help your clients before selling.

The money is in the relationships.

I want to sell that guy, but before I do I want him to know “XYZ”

You should be demonstrating your value to the audience. 

Intent-based branding. 

Find the people that want what you are selling.

  1. Who do you want to sell to? 
  2. What do they want?
  3. What can we demonstrate for that to be true? 

Find what you want to do and do it every day. Put in the work.

When you are talking with your audience 

  • Make a point.
  • Relay that point in a story to illustrate that point. 
  • Make a metaphor to drive the point home if you can.

Here is an example

 Point: If you focus on past negative experiences, you won’t get anywhere.

Story: When I was in highschool, I was never any good a writing, and the teacher said to me, “You will never make it in life with that kind writing.” When she said that, it hurt me terribly and made me feel less than every other student at school.  

Now today, I write every single day, and people read my writing and enjoy it. I feel confident and proud of the thing that I accomplished. 

I don’t dwell I what other people say about me. If I didn’t, I would not get anywhere.

Metaphor: The bad experiences that you have are like rocks in a backpack every time you one. You decide to place it in the backpack. It gets heavier and heavier. If you keep holding on to them, you will be crushed. You will never move forward.

The point will be driving home by the metaphor and make you think about that outcome. The story and the metaphor will people associate your point with real-life experiences. 

This strategy of doing something every day does not come naturally to us. Many people will not do it, whether it is a lack of confidence or motrivation people won’t. Those who do will show progress and reap the benefits of the process. 

Plan to find the thing you want to learn and do it every day. You will start to see your audience, and people will follow you because they will begin to think of you as an authority in your subject. This won’t happen overnight and at first, won’t be comfortable, but step by step it the development will start to unveil itself.

Things you should be doing to gain a following

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