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What is a growth mindset?

What is having a growth mindset?

The key to your success lies in your capacity to believe that you have what it takes to control your life and the ability to learn and advance in whatever you feel is essential. You need to realize that you are in control of your destiny. No one else has put you where you are to today. Life is full of actions and choices; each one you take steers you in that direction.
When having a growth mindset, your essential talents and abilities can be developed and progressed, which, in return, will create a better understanding and love of learning.

This is what it means to have a growth mindset. Have you ever heard that the easy way is usually the hard way? I think the reason that is because when you don’t put the effort in, it often always falls apart fast. Then you spend all your time fixing the issue that was caused by doing it the easy way.

For example,
Growing up, my Dad knew how to fix almost everything. He built the house that I grew up from the ground up and also their business he literally built that building . But when it came to fixing something that was broken, he would never fix it entirely right. It was always a just slapped together project waiting for the next to it would break. He knew how to fix it but always took the short cut. This was counterintuitive because if done right the first time, it would have never broken again, but because it was fixed poorly, he spent more time fixing it over and over again.

This is a common way people deal with problems or issues they have. People are generally lazy when it comes to something they are not interested in. Think about Instagramers buying like compares to actually gaining those real likes and followers. You need to put the work in to get the result you are looking for.

Having a growth mindset will help you do the right thing from the start. This is not to say that it will be easy, but it is essential. If you start this way, it will get easier as you go.

Believe in yourself

Being successful and growth mentally and in business, has to start with you. Nobody else is going to do it, and you will be your own worse enemy. The negative thoughts will come, you will have to battle them so that your positive vibes will win. 

Dealing with naysayers and Self Doubt

Let’s face it; people are going to doubt that you are capable of doing anything. I don’t care if it is your mother, they will think they know you so well, and you will do what you always do and quit. Use this as fuel for your fire; don’t let them blow it out. If you entertain the idea that you can’t, then you have already lost. Keep reminding your self why you want to obtain the goal that you set out to do. You need to have daily affirmations to help you stay on track. 

If you want to succeed, you have to find a way to squash those thoughts because they will come, but you have to ready, be confident in who you are, and what you can do. For the people who want to see you fail, you have to be willing to ignore them and use their negativity as a burning desire to prevail. Everybody loves an underdog.

Know Your Strengths

Believing in who you are is much easier when you know your strengths and best attributes. It will help boost your confidence. Write them down on a piece of paper and celebrate them. You can encourage a mindset to self-believing buy do this. You will start to receive a road map idea that will motivate you in the right direction to take in your new venture.

An excellent trick to use is to find the best features and capabilities and then turn those into declarations. Use this list every day to build your growth mindset. The tiny things you do to build yourself up can make or break your focus and help suppress some of those invalidating thoughts you might go through. 

Mastering Fears and Negative Beliefs 

The flipside of recognizing your strengths is studying at your fears and negative ideas and discovering behaviors to defeat them. We’re all scared of something. What separates us is how we manage those fears.

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